
Thales theorems and projections

Watch the following slides and take notes. In the slides are some links for videos, watch them and take notes. Be prepared for a workshop.  thale´s theorems and projections


 Please watch the following video: midsegment theorem After the video, answer the question in this link. https://forms.gle/ieFrLZCMbWyPHykq7

Concurrency Points

To continue with the study of special segments, it is very important to understand how does they are related in triangles and the properties of the concurrency points. Concurrency point is the "place" where the special segments of a triangle meet. To check this topic, please review the following presentation, take notes on tour notebooks, solve the exercises that are in the slides and bring 2 questions to the next class on August 30th. Concurrency Points See you next Class

Review activity 1

 Perpendicular and angle bisector, medians and altitudes.  Watch the video and answer the following questions. Take notes in your notebook. Write 2 questions for the next class.  review activity 1


 Hello Everyone Here is the link of the presentation of Geometry 9th grade.  Remember to search for the vocabulary words and to login into the khan Academy group.  Presentation Geometry 9th Grade


  Welcome to 9th grade Geometry class. Welcome to this fantastic year together, where many things are going to be new for you and for me, starting with the use of this blog to improve your learning and share some experiences. During this year, we are going to continue studying some important properties fo triangles and then we move forward to the study of circles. During the second semestre 3D shapes are introduced to learn more about them. It is very important for your learning process, that you participate in class and discuss with your classmates about an important topic, but also, the most important thing that you need is: RESPONSIBILITY.  The Methodology that we are going to use is called Flipped classroom, this means that you at home are going to read, watch videos, answer "quizzes" and during the class we work. I need your commitment with your the learning process so that way our classes flow properly and we can learn the wonderful world of Geometry. Let me say WELCOME